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    "Professional English in Use: Law" contains 45 units covering a wide variety of legal vocabulary. Topics include corporate and commercial law, liability, ...

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    Primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, "Professional English in Use: Law" can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons ...

  3. Amy Krois-Lindner: International Legal English. Student's ...

  4. Книга Legal Eng International Intro SB +D

    Introduction to International Legal English is an intermediate level course for law students or newly-qualified lawyers who need to use English in their ...

  5. "Introduction to International Legal English. Student's Book ...

    Suitable for classroom use or self-study, the course prepares learners for using English in a commercial law environment. Using authentic legal texts and case ...

  6. English for Law Students. University Course. Part 2

    Its goal is to enable students to deal with different types of legal texts, to become knowledgeable in current legal issues, to use proper English legal terms ...

  7. Haigh Rupert "Legal English"
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    Written for both students and practitioners, "Legal English" is a highly practical handbook, which addresses all aspects of legal employment, from the very ...

  8. Legal English. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник

    Книга: Legal English. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник. Автор: Попов, Феоктистова, Халюшева. Аннотация, отзывы читателей, иллюстрации.


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  1. English for Law Students. University Course. Part I / ...
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    ... legal issues, to use proper English legal terms with regard to their own legal systems. The final objective is to stimulate students' interest in law and ...

  2. Англо-русский словарь юридических терминов

    Данный глоссарий является юридическим терминологическим словарем, составленным к учебному комплексу по английскому языку для юристов International Legal English ...

  3. Читать онлайн «The Times Style Guide: A guide to English usage

    Do not assume that use of this verb will keep you out of legal trouble; if in doubt, ask a lawyer. Do not use alleged as a synonym of ostensible, apparent ...

  4. Villainage in England: Essays in English Mediaeval History

    Legal and manorial records. I have divided my analysis of the condition of the feudal peasantry into two parts according to a principle forcibly suggested, as I ...

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  7. Fisher Herbert Albert Laurens - Frederick William Maitland

    In the summer vacation of 1895 Maitland wrote as follows to his friend, Mr R. L. Poole, the editor of the English Historical Review: "I have been thinking of ...

  8. Copyright: Its History and Its Law», Bowker Richard Rogers

    Copyright may inhere as a natural right, as under English common law before the statute of Anne, without record or formalities, but also without statutory ...

  9. Legal ways of rescuing from Interpol. A global view of the ...

    ... operation of institutions and organization of a legal nature. Despite the different rules of the game of states on the chessboard of the international arena ...

  10. English: Composition and Literature», William Franklin ...

    Parallel constructions are used in balanced sentences. In balanced sentences one part is balanced against another,—a noun and a noun, an adjective and an ...


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